Craniosacral therapy is a deeply healing whole body treatment which is safe and effective for newborn babies and their mothers.
How we come into the world can set a pattern for our lives. Unresolved difficulties from this important time can be the root cause of physical and mental health problems in later life.
For babies, Craniosacral
therapy is a profoundly healing treatment, which helps babies to
recover from their experience of arriving in the world. It is effective
in resolving early difficulties with feeding, colic, breathing, crying,
constipation and sleep.
The Craniosacral practitioner offers sensitive support through touch,
watching for the baby's signals and following their lead. Treatment is
a co-operative interaction and exploration and with mobile infants the
session may include play and birth games.
When processing birth and early trauma, babies may need to cry during
the session to release stress and to let us hear their story. They may
also need to move in strange ways as they unwind and complete their
birth journey.
Babies can sense and mirror tensions in the mother so it may be helpful
for her to receive treatment too.
For mothers, Craniosacral
therapy can be helpful while preparing for conception, as well as
throughout pregnancy and after giving birth. Receiving Craniosacral
treatment is a
supportive way to nurture the body during the natural changes of
becoming a mother. It is also a gentle yet powerful way to resolve any
tensions held in the body from difficulties that may have arisen during
this time.
Using sensitive touch on the clothed body the practitioner listens
responds to deep patterns and rhythms within the client, releasing
tension and easing restrictions by supporting the body's own power to
heal itself. This subtle and gently healing holistic treatment is
client led with the body setting the priorities. It is effective for a
wide range of conditions, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Craniosacral treatment complements and
deepens the effectiveness of
other treatments, by supporting the body's natural self healing
capacity, bringing the whole system into balance.
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Helping Babies to Heal
Infant Trauma Understanding Early Difficulties Butterfly Touch Birth Games Baby Stories Movement Repatterning The Importance of Touch Home Page |
©Lesley Downie |